No Peace No Love
How am I supposed to like the politician who intentionally tries to suppress the votes of the people?
How am I supposed to like the people who vote for those politicians?
How am I supposed to like the senators and representatives who pass legislation that is racist and fascist?
How do I even try to like the people who elect such an element to our government?
How do I accept those that spread false narratives about the pandemic, the vaccines, facts related to the welfare of the people and about the environment?
How do I accept people who listen to that and keep voting for those who push falsehoods into positions of power?
How am I supposed to like those who turn their backs on the suffering of people all around them?
How am I supposed to look in the eyes of people that feed the system that runs off of oppression and not feel resentment?
How am I supposed to have compassion for those who either knowingly or blindly choose to support systemic wide injustice?
How do I even try to like a defense attorney that is attempting at all levels to discredit hard working and ethical witnesses at a trial?
How do I not feel hatred for someone that is defending a white supremacist in court?
How do I not rush to judgment at those that defend and cheer on the system that provokes the violence and killing of Black bodies and people of color?
I have heard that you "turn the other cheek?"
I have heard that you protest peacefully
I have heard Sam Cooke's "A change is gonna come"
I have heard "You just keep on fighting"
It's hard for me to taste the sweetness in the middle of all that is happening
When I see a trial of an officer that brutally suffocated a Black man
When I read about horrendous attacks on Asian men and women
When I hear about blatant racist legislation being passed by a republican party in many states throughout the country
I feel there is an attempt at a takeover
There is a coup that has been initiated
And I feel that the ground has been pulled out from under under my feet
They say you fight hate with love
At this moment I have no love for all those who sabotage the safety of the people I love
Whether they realize what they are doing or not
My recourse is to stay active
To not give up
To love and be loved
But I can't love the ones whose heads are buried
There is no time for that
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