The Teachers Strike

 Minneapolis Teachers Strike

I brought a tub of cream cheese and a dozen bagels to a friend’s house for a gathering. What I didn’t realize was that the gathering wasn’t supposed to happen until next week.

I brought the bagels home and decided to bring them to the rally the teachers were having the next day. 

When I woke up up I figured it would do them good as it was a cold and dreary Monday morning. So Jess, Princey and me drove on down there.

As we turned on to Broadway off of Golden Valley Road in North Minneapolis

we could hear excited voices of a large crowd singing in harmony 

There was an upbeat tune of a marching band 

The beat of the bass drum goes straight to your heart

The horns and the brass gets you to stand up at attention and smile

We could see a rainbow of jackets, coats, and sweatshirts that were worn by the people who were busy milling about and greeting each other

You could see an infinite number of people that filled the block

It seemed that this street that we walked to after parking the car was the beginning of the earth and went on forever

The band was playing, “When the Saints go Marching in” and I felt like dancing

Through the music, singing, people talking to each other, laughing, and the inspirational speeches, you could sense feelings of hope, togetherness and common purpose

Everyone was here for justice

Not to prove a point

Or get back at anybody

They were here to do right

I could see in the faces around me the look of determination

Eyes sparkled with joy and passion

I sensed the camaraderie they had with each other

Their common purpose is to make a difference for the kids they taught and took care of

They each have something to offer that is special

And today they have each other’s backs

This historic day of walking out of their schools on to picket lines

Because this is the right thing to do

Today they don’t politely ask or request for what they and their students need

Today they demand that the system change

Today they will not give up

Today they hold the line

Today they say no more to unsustainable wages for the professionals who help them do their jobs

Today they demand safe and stable schools

Today they demand recruitment and retention of educators of color

Today they demand school social workers, school counselors and school psychologists at every site

Today they demand smaller class size

Today they demand more respect for educational support professionals

Today they demand safety and strategic methodology in dealing with covid in the school and classroom

As I watch teachers and the support professionals dance, sing and cheer for what they believe in

I realize how much I respect who they are and what they are standing for right now in this moment

I feel I am an ally to them

I feel gratitude to who they are

I can’t help but feel honored to be where I am in this moment

They are holding the line

They aren’t backing down

And this gives me hope and energy

To fight

To stand up for what is right

And remain standing

Until there is justice

I can’t help but feel drawn to and compassion for them 

They are giving me what I need

And I believe and take it all in

It is cold and damp

I am physically uncomfortable

I crave a hot coffee or cocoa

But the excitement, anticipation and high energy of the crowd lures me in and warms my insides

I hear the responses that are shouted back from the people to the calls of the speakers

I feel a connection with them 

I feel at home right here

I believe in their mission 

To make schools safe

And everyone thrives

And we have the means to do this

My hope is that people all over understand what is happening

I pray that people understand that the teachers are not just asking for a raise

They are demanding justice

And the only way to achieve this, is if we all march in solidarity with them

And together we show our power and strength

And we let our voices be heard

And safeguard freedom for all

Where nobody is left behind

And music, laughter and pure joy pulls you in

Are you ready to fight?


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