Your Time is Running Out
You cheer with a sarcastic edge
You laugh and jump for joy
You hail the hatred and vile rhetoric
These past four years you have become more vocal, overt and methodical with your racist taunts and acts of violence and intimidation
You deny the truth, shoot out lies and place vitriol on a pedestal
You follow the twisted, repulsive and hollow words of a man that doesn't even care about you
You probably don't realize that
You just want to belong somewhere
You feel forgotten-not important-left behind
You are angry that the "elite" has no respect for you
They are your enemy and are taking away your freedom
You need to belong and be part of something bigger than you
It is exhilarating and your endorphins pump through your body
When you join with others who are seeking to fill their empty souls through
degrading those who you blame for your insecurity
You believe the most outrageous-delusional fabrications of reality that could ever be imagined
You gather together and stoke these falsifications to the point of frenzy
And you are intoxicated from the adrenalin of the moment
And that is what you cling to in your life
That is your creed
That is what you stand for
But you don't realize the shame
You believe your White skin protects you
Gives you privilege and entitlement
You thrust yourself in the chaos of disenfranchising and marginalizing minorities and immigrants
You vote for candidates whose reality is so far off the charts one has to second guess what planet they came from
But they tell you what you want to hear
And that feels good to you even though it is all a lie
Is this the story of your life?
Is this all you got?
Is this your legacy?
You don't have the right to step on anyone's body
You don't have the right to suppress those from speaking their truth and voting for what they believe in
You malign those that stand up for their civil liberties because that intimidates your fragile ego
You project your hatred-bigotry-lawlessness and deception onto those who you fear and who fight back
You try to silence anyone that stands up to your White supremacist propaganda and oppression
Go ahead and believe in your self absorbed dark ideology your heart desires
But don't think for one second that you can Act on your miserably mistaken belief that you are better than anyone else that doesn't look like you or who doesn't believe in your bull shit
Don't you dare act like you own this country
Your psyche is so insecure you feel you have to have the upper hand over everyone else whose beliefs are rational who aren't threatened by civil-social-economic equality for all
You and your White Nationalist fraternity are declaring a civil war on innocent citizens and the American government
Good luck to that
No friggin way
We won't let that happen
I feel no compassion for your delusion
It's pitiful how you ride around waving your repugnant confederate flags and displaying your semiautomatic weapons like they are some sort of trophy
Your arrogance and bravado aren't impressive
You drive your pickup trucks down the road like you're the cavalry
Your righteousness is far from graceful
We the people have had enough
We are coming together
No more divisiveness
We all deserve to be free and live in truth
We are coming together
You don't see that
You're not aware that there are more White folks that are starting to understand how we as a society are divided racially
We see you
Your violence and brainwashing
How you manipulate vulnerable, wounded and lonely men to cling to your words on some social media platform
And they become motivated to go into churches, mosques, synagogues to open fire on innocent worshippers or burn the place down
That's what gives you victory, security and contentment
You display swastikas and chant "you will not be replaced"
You wear your maga hats and feel all powerful
You storm the Capitol
You feel all victorious
How pathetically patriotic you are
You don't have the capacity to understand real freedom of speech
The protests this past summer, the ones that have happened for decades
Where people of color have demanded the end of oppression and equal rights
This goes over your head because you are shut down to real freedom
And you complain about your free speech and your right to bear arms
And your White nationalist politicians who undermine any and all policy to end all bigotry and racism
How those elected officials who coldly and without flinching, aggressively vote for legislation that suppresses the Black vote
And you demand your first amendment rights
You riot-take over-vandalize-kill-injure-traumatize police-citizens-elected officials
You say you were doing it for your president
For your country
We don't buy that
Your ridiculous purpose in throwing a violent-horrific tantrum
We will stand up to you
We will hold you accountable
We will rise up
We will speak the truth
We will open our hearts to those who need healing and compassion
We will unpack the unjust system we live in
Which means if you can't get on board we will need to find a place for you
But your stance in our democracy-in our society-the idea that there are those who are privileged and those who are shunned is coming to an end
I know you don't want to hear or see this
I get it
But take my word
Your time is running out
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