My Soul Whispers to Keep Still

 The uneasiness swims through my veins and arteries

My legs are desperate to rise and take off like a rocket

This body of flesh and bones is on alert

It is telling me to beware and be ready

My brain is sending out the danger signal

I lie awake waiting for the next message to tell me what to do

I create scenarios in the hyper aroused mind how I heroically save the day

This is how I get stirred up 

The dramatic attack by American citizens on the freedom of myself, neighbors and others, has me gasping

I felt betrayed after the 2016 election at how anyone could vote for a fascist

And now here are those same people who are rebelling, revolting, rioting against who and what I voted for in the past election

This is an active assault on my soul

When a bigoted, unruly, unreasonable and deluded mob overthrows a government building

When the entire nation holds its collective breath to wait until an inauguration concludes without disruption from its own people

My mind and body tell me we aren't safe

I watch as the entire nation inhales a mega dose of fear 

And become paralyzed in it

When my safety is threatened, I go into hiding

I don't want to feel, see, hear, touch or taste it

Fear is not welcome in my psyche

I have learned to avoid it at all cost

It morphs into hate, anger, irritability, impatience, anxiousness and zoning out

I complain, eat for comfort, obsess over the news, and search for the next editorial that will explain how this will get resolved and how all the bad guys will get busted

There has been a coming out party for some elected officials in the government who are active White supremacists

This additional data in my brain turns the dial up on my reactions 

It massages the fear and drops it somewhere in the center of my body

I try to analyze, debate, cajole, explain away, and even forget that this hateful reality is affecting my life

It is frightening to know that this unfair, cruel, senseless faction of the population actually has a big chunk of power over us

My body wants to fight

My mind tells me to be cautions

And there is a pandemic

The deepest part of my soul whispers to be still 

To listen and follow where the next breath will take me

To settle into and accept this moment right now 

To ride the wild wave of panic

To stare into the haunting eyes of fear

Maybe even dance with it

And breathe

From this deep place inside I rediscover the loving and joyful beam of light that inhabits that sacred part of me

I forget about this when injustice explodes 

This divinity at the center of my core is my home

And from this place I am guided to where I need to go

It takes courage 

To trust my inner being - that pure wise self that rests in the deepest part of my soul

This gives me direction, hope and clarity

To see the light that glows inside all of us

And to live from a place of love

Whose legacy is infinite


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