I believe we were created from trauma
That was the original placenta
All races, religions, ethnicities, peoples, and beings were born from and into trauma
All my life I’ve struggled with an internal fight
It is still there and sometimes I feel it is me
It makes me cautious, even shy
I can become enraged, emboldened, or frozen and withdrawn
When I welcome the wise part of me to put out this fire, I realize that there are decades even centuries worth of terror stored and filed in my cells
When my history, or my inner sanctuary of oppression, violence, and rejection gets activated
The go to reflex triggers my survival instinct to run, fight or hide
This is the time to become humble
This is when I need to radically become all-loving to myself and those around me
This is when I need my heart to radiate light so I can see the beauty, the tenderness, and feel the joy from being on this planet and to feel the warmth and sweetness of all beings, big and small, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, or White
We all have been through the pain of trauma
We don’t escape it
We think we do when we try to dominate, control, abuse, and keep others in a submissive role beneath us
But the shallow, false sense of security, only eats away at the core and forces more of the artificial, superficial way of trying to feel good, important, and powerful
This country was founded and built on traumatizing Natives, and Africans
It also traumatized anyone who looked different form White folks
We now have to look at ourselves in our hearts
We need to look way down deep
Into the depths of our beings
Where our own oppressions, traumas started, generations past
We then need to face the trauma of our own country and how it is impacting people of color right here, right now,
And then we need to feel the guilt, the shame, the pain
And we need to stay with it, longer than we think or want to
And then we need to look at ourselves in the mirror
And stay with that
And breath
And then we need to feel our hearts
And open them
And breath
And then we need to go out in the world with that heart open wide
And experience the joy, the love, the healing, the presence, for all beings
Big, small, large, tall
All colors
For this is real
This is you and me together
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