Journey of the Heart

 Journey of the Heart


The open heart is welcoming, healing and sacred

It honors my presence

It connects me to my soul

It comforts the troubling mind

It gives me pause when I don’t know where to turn

This vast space in the center of my body is unconditional love that forever lasts

When this light inside my heart space shines, glows, flows through my body, I am soft, and open to the love, the connection, the intimacy that is in front of me

I thrive, I feel alive, and I’m whole


There are the times my mind tells me I am in danger

I have been done wrong

I am not important

I am not up to standards or expectations

Or I am being judged unfairly or put in some category that is demeaning

That’s when the door of the heart is closed

To protect from harm

It is free from vulnerability, so it won’t get hurt

It is kept safe from intrusion and attack

That’s when I’m alone, shut down, and the beauty before me is unnoticed


My heart breaks when I see destruction, condescension, bigotry, hate, and violence

My heart breaks when I am betrayed, rejected, when I am told I’m not good enough

When I am abandoned

When I lose hope

When I reach out and no one is there

My heart breaks when I see there is no willingness to come together

My heart breaks when my dreams are no longer possible

My heart breaks when I see time is running out

My heart breaks when I see what is possible and that is not considered

I stop in my tracks, and I freeze

I lie down and wait for life to start again

I feel powerless and empty

I fall into my private world where nobody knows me

And I know no one

Just me and this broken heart of mine


When my heart breaks there are times I do retreat and find a way to take my first breath of recovery

And I can see the glow of the light inside

And let that sooth and comfort my soul

And shine on those around me and be open to the beauty of this life

At the same time, I feel the pain, the grief, of the heart that has been broken so many times before

And the light in that heart space continues to glow

On and on



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