How I Spend My Time
I scrutinize how I spend my time. What am I doing that is making someone else’s life better?
Do I self-judge or am I just conscience about how much pain there is out there?
When I suffer is it just mine or is it everyone’s?
Today I sit with a small, black dog, who got to know me in less than a week,
And there is an intense closeness, loyalty, that is mutual,
We don’t share the same language
It is all trust, faith, and even risk taking,
She teaches me unconditional connection
I know she means the best
And she trusts that I do as well
As humans we struggle with trust, unconditionality, and taking risks,
We attach to belonging, being noticed, accepted, and avoidance of what isn’t comfortable or what can make us look or seem unworthy,
We get hung up with how we are perceived
And can’t seem to shake off when we are wrong
So, we join a cause, a caucus, a colony, to blend in and feel like we are on the right side
We will win and defeat those that are against us
We have an identity and a home
I sit here outside on this beautiful Summer day with my little companion
She has no worries
She lies on the cool ground in the shade by my feet
Resting her body
I feel the cool breeze on my arms and face
I hear the traffic on the nearby highway as the cars bring people to their destinations
I wonder about what is important to them
If they take precautions about the virus plague or if they are zeroing in on their work
Do they worry about what is the future in our world?
I am trained to feel that with each moment that passes time runs out
Today I feel that when each moment passes time runs in - to my body, my soul
I feel the essence of time passing as a memory that absorbs into my being
There is a purpose to it
It becomes me and I become it
When I am aware of being where I am
I join in on life – I am life – and I am here to love – to be of service to who I am with
That there are no boundaries in presence, connection, and intimacy
There is risk, unconditionality, faith, and mutuality
We are all one
We are all love
We are all time
We are all
I really like this one, dad. Beautiful post.