Getting Him Out
The feeling hit me when we walked into a grocery store in Long Beach New York. We went shopping for my mother-in-law. The lines for every register backed into the aisles. People seemed frantic and in a hurry. The carts were over-flowing with groceries, toilet paper, paper towels, and other items. People were stocking up for a long time. It was the end of February. We still didn’t start to wear masks as of yet. I realized right then, that we are in an emergency situation. The fear settled in my abdomen. That’s when I accepted that the United States was part of the pandemic.
We thankfully were able to fly back to Minnesota after being in New York for a week. Being in the epicenter of the virus at that time was a learning experience. Most notably I realized that you have to be disciplined with washing hands, keeping counters clean, and maintaining distance. By the end of our stay I also appreciated mask wearing. I am so glad to see that New York has gotten past that wave and the numbers of infections and deaths have dramatically reduced.
It has been obvious from day one that the president did not want to deal with this crisis. He called it a hoax and blamed the Chinese (which started prejudicial attacks on Asians). He has denied the seriousness of this virus. He has stated that we are doing well and that he has been doing a great job. Anyone could see that he was trying to deceive the public. He did not take any responsibility with providing leadership except to not take this virus seriously. Unfortunately, many people have died. Others have suffered tremendously from being contaminated with this virus. The president did not act immediately and decisively right from the beginning before the virus travelled here. As a result, there wasn’t any preparation for when the pandemic hit us. There wasn’t any proper equipment for the health care providers or for the patients with symptoms.There could’ve been measures put into place that would’ve prevented deaths and suffering. That is on the president and his administration.
It is the middle of July and he is still doing the same song and dance. Our country is getting decimated from this virus. The projections from the scientists is that things will continue to get worse. And there is no plan or leadership from the president about this. Just the same deceptive soundbites and the oppositional behavioral towards the science community. As a result, the population is suffering. People continue to follow his lead and won’t wear masks or do physical distancing. And the virus spreads more. And people even become belligerent towards the health care professionals who are trying to save our lives.
This man who occupies the White House is putting this country at risk. If his political party won’t do something about this, we need to. We can’t allow him to run the country and make critical decisions. He refuses to protect us from the virus. He encourages us to go out and get infected and spread it. This needs to end. We need to over-ride his authority and get him out because he is not fit for the office and the people around him are not in any way, shape or form, going to intervene.
We need to come together and figure out how to remove him legally and non-violently.
I hope and pray we get this done.
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